Presented by:
Centre Naturalists
Friends of Big Creek
Presentations [pdf format]:
Joe Mestnik, Partner, Firefly
The Use of Native Plants in Public and Private Landscapes
Concepts from Brooklyn Centre Naturalists projects which are part
of the ReImagining
Cleveland Grant Program, designed to create sustainable land reuses
of vacant city-owned land bank lots, including the grant recently awarded to
Brooklyn Centre Naturalists.
Terry Duncan,
National Wildlife Federation
Habitat Steward
Big or Small: Backyard Habitats Are Everywhere
A certified
wildlife habitat can be found in an area as small as a patio, in urban as well
as suburban settings. All you need is the right combination of food, shelter,
water, and a place for wildlife to raise their young. NWF ideas
on how to build it so some of your favorite wild friends will visit.
John Rakauskas,
Rakauskas Architecture.
Trickle Down Methods of Storm Water Management
Some permeable paving practices
that, along with rain gardens and other measures, can help slow down and reduce
volume and improve the quality of the stormwater entering our streams.
Lisa Warner, Naturalist,
City of Fairlawn.
Big Or Small: How to Make a Rain Garden
Lisa is passionate about community education and enthusiastic about rain gardens.
Her presentation will cover the basics of how to create a rain garden in a residential
setting. |