Big Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Plan Partners5th BALANCED GROWTH PLAN IN OHIO, MOST URBAN TO DATE; 2011 SPECIAL MEETING OF PARTNERSHIP, PARMA - NOVEMBER 2, 2011 The Big Creek Watershed Balanced Growth Plan received State endorsement from the Ohio Lake Erie Commission (OLEC) at its June 15, 2011 meeting. In honor of this accomplishment, the Commission, Friends of Big Creek, and the Cuyahoga River Community Planning Organization held a special meeting of the Big Creek Partnership on November 2, 2011. John Watkins, Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources Office of Coastal Management, offered congratulations and presented certificates to the mayors of Brooklyn, Brook Park, Cleveland, Parma, and Parma Heights, recognizing the five Big Creek watershed cities of the Partnership as an Ohio Balanced Growth Community. OLEC Director Gail Hesse briefly discussed program incentives and future goals for the Ohio Balanced Growth Program.