Summary Notes from July 6, 2005 Steering Committee Meeting - CCPL Brooklyn Branch.

CITY of BROOKLYN MASTER PLAN, JUNE 7th PUBLIC MEETING - Kathy Pucci and Bob Gardin reported on the meeting. Kathy shared the results of the questionnaire. Jim Danek talked about the 6/23 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain - that local governments may force property owners to sell for private economic development when officials deem it would benefit the public, even if the property is not blighted and the development's success is not guaranteed.

REVIEW of JUNE 15th GENERAL MEETING and ISSUES RAISED - DAVID BEACH PRESENTATION - There was a short discussion of the presentation by David Bleach, Executive Director of EcoCity Cleveland. We could save the farmland and wetlands by consolidating residential and commercial centers. Dave's emphasis was on the need for a second Emerald necklace, a Saphire Necklace that would exist outside the outer suburbs.

WEB SITE DEVELOPMENT - After further discussion of our Web site it was decided to use as our domain name. The cost might be reimbursed by Cuyahoga River RAP. A preliminary version will be presented at the next steering committee meeting.

ITEMS TO BE COVERED AT NEXT STEERING COMMITTEE - Harshaw Chemical public awareness and signage, pesticide use along railways, water testing procedures, hillside subsidence problem.

HIKES - JUNE 25TH LOWER BIG CREEK FOLLOW UP HIKE - Two people from the Bellair-Puritas Development were present. Starting from the YMCA we walked under the Brooklyn-Brighton bridge past the entrance of the Terrace Construction Company, continuing across the floor of the valley by the junk yard. We followed the proposed path with Bob Gardin showing us one suggested path up against a hillside by the rail tracks and another that more closely followed the river. BROOKLYN AREA PRE-HIKE - Al Nemeth brought out a series of maps showing individual plots along the Big Creek in the Brooklyn - Tiedeman area. Both council persons along with Bob Gardin carefully explored a series of options. PROMOTION OF WALKS - Kathy Pucci agreed to check out the possibility of listing it on the Brooklyn website, Tom Coyne agreed to talk to St. Thomas More Church about varying uses of the land behind the church and also placing notices about the walk at the entrance to the church this Sunday.

ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE - Bob discussed how organizations grow…they develop a mission, set up officers, develop membership, then dues, then voting rights to members, etc…
Jeff Lennartz volunteered to be on the steering committee. Jim Danek agreed to be on the Advisory Committee.
Discussion of 501(c)(3) status, operating under CuyRiverRAP, and autonomy.
Bob Gardin will email the list of people that volunteered for the steering committee and for the advisory committee.

July 20th General Meeting 6:30 to 8:30 and Pre-hike 6:00 to 6:30pm at YMCA.
August 17th General Meeting 6:30 to 8:30 at Brooklyn Senior Center.

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